NNUN Front Page
NNUN Subpage
NNUN Biotechnology Subpage

National Nanofabrication Users Network


National Nanofabrication Users Network (NNUN) provides users with access to some of the most sophisticated nanofabrication technologies in the world with facilities open to all users from academia, government, and industry. The combined staffs of the NNUN have extensive experience in all phases of nanofabrication and its use in fields ranging from nanophysics to biology to electronics. We have "domain experts" in micromechanics and biology to assist users in translating their ideas into experimental reality. With the assistance of the NNUN, users can often fabricate advanced nanostructures within weeks of initial contact. The NNUN also provides outreach support to the community through its Research Experience for Undergraduates program and training workshops.

Electrical and Computer Engineering